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December 2004

23rd December


If Thoughtcat was a chat show ("chat" as in conversation, incidentally, not "French cat"), the first guest I’d have on is Kimberly Quinn. I’d say to her: “So, Kimberly. Three months into your second marriage you start an affair. The man you have the affair with happens to be David Blunkett, the controversial Home Secretary. You accept a rail pass from him worth £180 despite being married to a millionaire and wealthy in your own right. As another favour, David hurries up a residency visa for your Filipina nanny, despite the fact that you knew full well he’d be abusing his position by doing this. You have a child by your lover, it seems, and when the relationship breaks down you try to stop the boy’s father from seeing him. And now it’s revealed that you were keeping intimate diaries of your relationship with David Blunkett all along. Are you a gold-digger or what?”


That said, I'm obviously not sorry to see Blunkett go. It’s just a shame he went for the wrong reasons – a load of tosh about speeding up a visa and giving his girlfriend a free rail pass, which nobody really cares about – instead of the right reason, i.e. being more right-wing than most right-wingers. As a Guardian reader wrote in the letters page a while ago, "What have things come to when a Labour home secretary can't see torture is wrong under any circumstances?"




Today's Times reports that kulchur secretary and Blair sycophant Tessa Jowell keeps a "little book of bollocks" recording nonsense spouted by colleagues and officials at meetings. Bullshit cited by Tess of the Baskervilles include "reprofiling expenditure", "sustainable eating in schools", "regional cultural data feedback" and "weaning the profile". But she's not doing it because it makes her laugh, oh no. "Labour must 'cut the crap' to win back support as the General Election approaches," The Times quotes her. Is she serious? And isn't it a bit late for that anyway?




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